Sunday, April 24, 2011

Tonsai and Railay Beach

Generally speaking, rock climbing makes me happy. It is a catharsis. Rock climbing in Tonsai and Railay Beach made me even happier. Here is a sample of my daily routine (repeat for two weeks):
  1. Wake up naturally from the start of a humid sunny day. (Or wake up all of a sudden from monkeys tramping on the aluminum roof of my bungalow).
  2. Put on sunscreen -- very important.
  3. Pack up my backpack with rope, quickdraws, harness, other climbing gear etc. 
  4. Walk down to Mama Chicken on Tonsai Beach for breakfast. On the way, pass a young Thai dude who always asks in colloquial English "What's up man? Where you goin' today?"
  5. Get a pineapple and a loaf of banana bread for breakfast.
  6. Meet up with other climbers. Find a good wall to climb that will be in the morning shade.
  7. Climb above the beautiful landscape of Tonsai and Railay Beach.
  8. Grab lunch at a cafe, while continuing to watch other climbers on the nearby walls. 
  9. Re-locate to a different climbing spot in the afternoon shade.
  10. Climb more. 
  11. Meet up for dinner and a drink, and watch a sunset or a movie. 

I shed an tiny atom-sized tear when I left Tonsai and Railay Beach. I look forward to getting back there sometime in the future. I tried to upload pictures of my time there, but somehow -- irritatingly so -- pictures I just spent two hours waiting for failed to upload.

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