Sunday, February 6, 2011

Father Hippy

Well, naturally, there are some strangle and hippified Cats in Pai. My favorite person so far is a 55+ year old American man with graying dreads and a scraggly beard. This guy is traveling with his 20-something year old son, hence I've named the father "Father Hippy".

Here is an untalented artist's rendition of what Father Hippy might look like without a scraggly beard if hastily drawn in MSPaint at an internet cafe in Thailand.

Here are a few examples of the interesting things Father Hippy shared with me recently:
- There is an occult organization called Bohemian Grove in the USA (I confirmed on Wikipedia, so it must be true). Many prominent artists and US Presidents have been members or visitors to the club.
- Father Hippy on his timing schedules: "There are timing schedules that eventually tie you back into the rhythms of the day -- whether it is earning money or harvesting crops -- my timing schedules are just looser than most peoples'."
- Father Hippy on why he is going to bed early: "I'm getting up early tomorrow to do some weird things, and bounce around a little."
- Father Hippy has tried to clean up his speech to make it more true to the language. He doesn't use stalling words in the middle of sentences (for example, like, um, so-ah, yeah). He doesn't use idioms because "they are a form of lying". As he said, 'No one shows you actual ropes, when they "show you the ropes" '.

You don't have to agree with him, but he is interesting company.

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